Track facilities are available to rent for customer testing, events, and filming. Garage and workshop facilities are available to support any customer need. Contact Michelin Laurens Proving Grounds for any specific questions or inquiries. View Facilities Map.

Track 8: Woodland Trail and Obstacle Track

Track 8 Map


Part of the Track 8 complex includes two off-road testing areas designed for testing off-troad tires and vehicles. The first is a two-mile woodland trail accessible from the loop road. It offers a variety of challenging obstacles and surface features, and is a perfect location for evaluating off-road performances. The second area is a separate off-road obstacle track.


  • Woodland Trail: 2.0 mile circuit
  • Obstacle Track: 170′ wide x 320′ long


  • Materials: Dirt, Mud, Gravel, Rip Rap and Various Obstacles

Woodland Trail Features

  • Narrow trail cut through a dense forest
  • Rough terrain – deep tire ruts, mud pits, rip rap (creek-style) crossings, etc.

Obstacle Track Features

  • 1’ In-Sine Waves with 25’ spacing
  • 1’ Out of Sine Waves with 25’ spacing
  • 8-12” Rip-Rap Pit
  • 8” x 8” Railroad Ties
Mud Trail
Obstacle Track